Godzilla: A Movie Review

To sum this movie up in a word: solid. I know some people have been talking a lot of smack about this most recent incarnation of the G man, but I would like to say that this film stands reasonably well on its own merits and leaps and bounds above the 1998 version with Matthew Broderick. The cinematography is good and well constructed, the monster action is very enjoyable and while the acting is just passable, it doesn't get in the way (which is more than can be said for other films, *cough* sucker punch *cough*).
There is admittedly some padding before we get to the good stuff, but honestly it's really not that bad and at least it's not overly dull. The entire way the movie is framed feels, in my opinion, like a very believable framing of an actual monster attack. These giant creatures come smashing into our tiny little world and start wrecking all our shit, while we stand by effectively helpless to do anything but watch. Say what you like about the acting, but the movie does an excellent job of "show, don't tell." What you see is so much better than what you hear, aside from the big man's roar.
I don't want to say anything to give away much of the plot, so I will simply say that Godzilla proves once again why he is and always has been the king of monsters. Go check it out.