I went to see Babylon A.D. tonight, and while intrigued, I didn't expect much out of it. I mean, it *does* star Vin Diesel. Sir Anthony Hopkins he ain't. I was pleasantly surprised though. It's a very good sci-fi movie that feels much like Blade Runner with a breath of fresh air. While it has the potential to be the next Blade Runner, it reaches, but never quite gets there. A better director, a larger budget, who knows what could have been?
However, 'not quite Blade Runner' is still pretty damn good. Far better than Terminator 3 by a long shot. In the end, I liked it more than 'Children of Men', which might be a more professionally done movie, but in some ways this film felt like a far more real version of the future, if that makes any sense. Aside from a few things that pulled you out of the immersion of the moment, like the use of vehicles in the movie that would be as dated as a 1970's Cutlass Supreme is today. I'm not sure what the future will be like, but there aren't going to be shinny 1990's Humvees running around like they do in the film. The SUV's are a bit suspicious in that light also.
To the only question that matters to you though - "Is it worth seeing?" Yes.
I'm somewhat surprised by the negative reviews I see online, and the level of vehemence behind them. When Spielberg's "A.I" came out, I didn't see people this pissy about that movie, even though "A.I." is a far worse movie than "Babylon A.D." WTF internet people? What *are* you smoking? Ignore my deluded cohorts and go see this movie. Go in as a blank slate, neither expecting to be disappointed nor amazed to the point of being overwhelmed. However, you should expect to come out having enjoyed this film.