It's time for an indie movie review! What do you get when you mix classic gore/slasher elements with a comedy? Usually something pretty godawful and not worth mentioning here or anywhere else. However, sometimes, the slasher/comedy combo can be pulled off competently. Please note that all of the "Scary movie" entries are complete and utter failures and I have no idea how they made 4 of the damned things, the first one wasn't even that funny.
Fortunately I am glad to report that Tucker & Dale is a success story for slasher/comedy combos. Now admittedly I am getting to this movie a bit late, it was making the indie circuit about this time last year. However, indie films are a little quirky in when and where they're released (reference similar issues I had with Boondock Saints II). But happy days are here and I found this little gem amongst a rather large pile of dross whilst wandering through the cavernous expanse of the interblag...blag.....blag.....blag (this joke would probably be a lot funnier if I had audio, but I refuse to let you people hear my actual voice, sounds terrible over a mic).
So what makes Tucker & Dale a success? If I had to pin it on any single element of the production, it would be that the story at its core is quite simple: a single misunderstanding explodes completely out of proportion. There's no sleight of hand and no fancy tricks, just stupid people making assumptions based on fear. Now there's plenty of gore, but the way it ends up happening is actually pretty inventive and I won't spoil anything, but I think its good to see classic slapstick reapplied to the horror genre. God knows it needs an overhaul in the creativity department these days.
So anyhow, good fun romp, see it if you can. It will likely be available on netflix in the coming months.
Peace out everyone.