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Showing posts from September, 2011

Colombiana: A movie review

The story of Colombiana is pretty standard, but it comes from a writer and director that I like very consistently: Luc Besson. I've been following him more or less ever since he wrote and directed one of my personal favorites; Leon: The Professional. He also did The 5th Element and a bunch of other stuff I really liked, even the transporter trilogy, which admittedly isn't the most intricate storytelling ever, but its still a lot of fun. But anyhow about the movie: it's got good acting, solid action, and reasonably good pacing. Some parts are a bit far fetched, but that's par for the course with a Luc Besson production. It is a little on the short side at an hour and forty minutes (most movies these days being 2 hours or longer) and that's good because it gets straight to the point and doesn't waste your time with a bunch of superfluous junk. Admittedly there are a few shortcomings in the plot development and it feels a bit rushed a...

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil: A funny movie review

It's time for an indie movie review! What do you get when you mix classic gore/slasher elements with a comedy? Usually something pretty godawful and not worth mentioning here or anywhere else. However, sometimes, the slasher/comedy combo can be pulled off competently. Please note that all of the "Scary movie" entries are complete and utter failures and I have no idea how they made 4 of the damned things, the first one wasn't even that funny. Fortunately I am glad to report that Tucker & Dale is a success story for slasher/comedy combos. Now admittedly I am getting to this movie a bit late, it was making the indie circuit about this time last year. However, indie films are a little quirky in when and where they're released (reference similar issues I had with Boondock Saints II). But happy days are here and I found this little gem amongst a rather large pile of dross whilst wandering through the cavernous expanse of the interblag...blag....