So there are some things that I liked about TF3 [that's transformers 3 and not team fortress 3 (sorry to the team fortress fans)], and a few things that I didn't like. Right now I'm feeling in a dessert first sort of mood so I'll start with the things I liked. Number one: No Megan Fox. Now this may seem like a really shallow thing to give a movie points for, but any movie that previously had a Megan Fox infestation and finally had the good sense to see the doctor and get a shot of good decision making deserves points in my book. Rumor has it that when initial contract negotiations were taking place, Megan Fox was demanding more money and Michael Bay was like "ha yeah right." So miss Fox threw a tantrum and was then disappointed to find out just how valuable she really was to the transformers franchise (and much to my joy they went with someone else, who I personally think is better looking and a better actress, pouty lips and all).
The second thing I liked about TF3 was Alan Tudyk. Now let me be clear: I think that Alan Tudyk is a wonderful actor and an absolute delight when you put him in quirky roles that let him get a little whacky and just give voice to all the pent up nerd energy felt by the core demographic of this movie. If they had tried to make him a more serious character (which he is fully capable of, see Dollhouse), I feel like it would not have worked as well in this film.
The third thing I liked about the movie: the plot. Now please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying the plot was particularly good, I'm just saying it was there, it existed and it had some at least slightly interesting twists, plus it's always cool to hear Leonard Nimoy playing the voice of a transformers character. Plot was something that really wasn't very strong or even all that present in the first two movies.
Now on to the things I didn't like: there are really only two.
One: The movie was a bit on the long side, nearly 3 hours total running time.
Two: There just wasn't enough transformer action, it centered on the humans way too much, but hey what do you expect, we need to be able to relate to the characters (although Avatar proved that we can identify with non-human protagonists, if only from its massive box office numbers). Although on balance, there were tons of explosions and I did love that, after all, it's Michael Bay.
So, final analysis, it's probably the best of the transformers movies in my opinion and its certainly worth seeing, but I don't know about the 3D, so if you're feeling iffy about that, don't bother.
Peace out.