The trailer looked interesting, I'll give it that. The premise made me shake my head though. God decides humanity has to go. Only 6 people with a trunk full of automatic weapons stand against the full might of the Almighty.
So they're cinders at the end, right? Nope. Nooo, nooo nooo. No sir. Not at all.
As it turns out, angels are pretty vulnerable to bullets. And most of all, headlocks! Seriously, you can darn near kill an angel with a headlock! True
So. God has had it with Man. That God you heard about who destroyed cities with angels? Well, apparently God is all out of those guys. Michael the Arch Angel has decided he doesn't care for God's new plan of action. He falls to earth, cuts off his wings, grabs a ton of guns and heads out on the road.
Out in the middle nowhere, with a dollop of desert scenery, six
How? You never find out. Why? You never find out. Another ("Jeep", Lucas Black) follows the pregnant one ("Charlie", Adrianne Palicki) like a lost puppy dog. Why? Visions, apparently.
In what must be one of the worst "C'mon, doing this for the paycheck, remember, doing this for the paycheck" career moves Dennis Quaid ("Bob Hanson") has ever made (and he's made some bad ones, so this took some doing), Quaid is forced to play one of the most hackneyed dim-witted country-folk cliches you've ever seen. Nice guy, but every time he moves on screen, says anything - you just shudder.
Charles S. Dutton ("Percy Walker") plays a very under-utilized role as the diner's cook. A noble, caring soul who never seems to have any explanation for any of his motives, actions or dialog.
Paul Bettany play perhaps the most aesthetic, thin-figured version of the Arch Angel Michael ever seen on this earth. Another good actor with terrible, terrible dialog, motivations... Well, everything, really. Much like all the other decent actors, all of the blame lies in the director's staggeringly incompetent hands.
Seriously - from what you hear of the Arch Angel Michael, you get the impression that he invented ass-kicking. If you could imagine someone that'd put Rambo and any role ever played by Schwarzenegger to shame, you'd be blinking at Bettany as he goes through the motions onscreen.
All the other angels don't have names (cannon fodder, of course), save Gabriel, who is played by Kevin Durand with hit-and-miss acting that's almost entirely composed of 'miss'. He wields the most amazing Ginzu Dewalt Swiss Army mace you've ever seen. Seriously, every time you think you've seen the most ridiculous thing it could possibly do, it tops it.
They battle hordes of humans possessed by angels (no, really) in your standard cliched zombie / horror movie style, and only Gabriel gives them a hard time. But he's incredibly vulnerable to headlocks as it turns out, so at the end, all is well.
So. so, so, so bad.
Summary: Nice visual effects. Good actors. Good scares. Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, plot, story, directing, dialog... Everything else - just terrible.
This is the movie Uwe Boll turned down. UWE BOLL. The worst director in existence! Well, he has some serious competition now.
Don't pay to see this. Please.