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Showing posts from March, 2009

Watchmen a Film to Watch

The market's being flooded with comic book graphic novel-based films. Given the ever increasing offering, how do you if the latest one is right for you? ProfessorTom lets you in on the inside scoop of Zack Snyder's Watchmen. I had no idea what to expect from Watchmen as my only connection to the material prior to the movie was through the teaser with the Smashing Pumpkins' The Beginning is the end is the Beginning . I knew from the trailer that there was once a group called Watchmen who defended the city back in the 30's but they were long gone. One of them had been killed, so solving that mystery and avenging the murder was the premise of the film. When we got to the theater, there were signs in the window warning that Watchmen had been rated R for intense violence and explicit sexuality, almost as if the film should have gotten an NC -17. Immediately, i was reminded of the Sin City debacle, namely, the alleged theater in Texas that only took cash because there ...